Learn water safety, confidence and swimming skills

SwimWell offers year-round swimming lessons across five pools in Wellington.

If you’re an existing SwimWell customer, you can change the day and time of a lesson, update your details, and view progress reports by logging in to our online bookings and membership service.

A girl (Swim) and boy (Well) standing back to back in their togs.

New customers

Join a course at any time. Enrol in entry-level courses or book a swim assessment.


We offer a range of courses for all experience levels and abilities. Find out about our different levels and how our courses work.


Lessons are at our indoor heated pools in Johnsonville, Karori, Kilbirnie, Tawa and Oriental Bay. You can enjoy free unlimited swims at any of our pools while enrolled with SwimWell.

Adult swimming lessons

We offer adult swimming lessons for groups, individuals or people with special needs, injuries or disabilities.

SwimWell online

Learn how to use our online service to enrol in a course, book a swim assessment, manage your courses, and update your direct debit details.

Terms and conditions

Find out about payments, missed lessons, withdrawing from courses and other SwimWell terms and conditions.