Older beginners

Ages 8–15 years

Beginner courses for older children who have never swum before, or who have limited swimming experience.

All classes are 30-minute sessions.

School-age girl uses a floatie to practise backstroke kick.
Level 1 classes

Swordfish Tahi

This course is designed to build confidence in beginners. No assessment is required to enter this class.

In this introduction class your child will learn to: 

  • Safely enter and exit the pool  

  • Submerge whilst holding their breath and blowing bubbles  

  • Unassisted front float  

  • Unassisted backfloat  

  • Glide on their front in a streamline position  

  • Glide on their back with hands by their side  

Practise the following water safety skills: 

  • Regain feet easily from a front and back float,  

  • Signal for help   

  • Assisted roll from their front to their back, and back again  

  • Float and signal for help with and without an aid  

  • Correctly fit a life jacket do a step entry into deep water, HELP position and signal for help, return to the edge for a safe exit  

  • Duck dives and move underwater for a slow count of 5. 


Level 2 classes

Swordfish Rua

An assessment is required to enter this course. We will check that your child is comfortable submerging whilst holding their breath and blowing bubbles, can float and glide on their front and back.  

In this beginner class your child will learn: 

  • Kicking on their front

  • Kicking on their back

  • Introduction to butterfly kick

  • Introduction to breaststroke kick

Practise the following water safety skills:  

  • Control breathing whilst floating on back for 1 minute  

  • Float and signal for help with and without an aid  

  • Correctly fit a lifejacket, do a step entry into deep water, float in the H.E.L.P. position, then with a couple of buddies or a group form a huddle, return to edge, and get out  

  • Duck dives moving underwater for a slow count of 5. 


Level 3 classes

Swordfish Toru

An assessment is required to enter this course. We will check that your child can kick on their front and back and can do beginner breaststroke and butterfly kick.

In this advanced beginner class your child will learn:

  • Freestyle Arms 

  • Continuous backstroke arms with pull

  • Introduction to sculling arms.

Practise the following water safety skills:  

  • Sculling on back head first and feet first

  • Survival backstroke

  • Control breathing whilst floating on back for 1 minute  

  • Float and signal for help with and without an aid  

  • Correctly fit a lifejacket, do a step entry into deep water, float in the H.E.L.P. position, then with a couple of buddies or a group form a huddle, return to edge, and get out  

  • Duck dives moving underwater for a slow count of 5.  

The skills learnt in this class prepare your child to enter the school-age Snappers class. 


Level 4 classes

Swordfish Whā

An assessment is required to enter this course. We will check that your child can do freestyle arms, continuous arms on back with pull, beginner sculling arms, beginner breaststroke and butterfly kick.

In this intermediate class your child will learn:

  • Freestyle

  • Backstroke with body rotation and pull

  • Streamline butterfly Kick.

Practise the following water safety skills: 

  • Survival backstroke

  • Sculling on back headfirst and back feet first

  • Do a reach-and-rescue throw with a buddy  

  • Control breathing whilst floating on back for 1 minute  

  • Float and signal for help with and without an aid  

  • Correctly fit a lifejacket, do a step entry into deep water, float in the H.E.L.P. position, then with a couple of buddies or a group form a huddle, return to edge, and get out  

  • Duck dives moving underwater for a slow count of 5.  

The skills learnt in this class prepare your child to enter the school-age Bronze Sharks class or Shark Clinic. 


Level 5 classes

Swordfish Rima

An assessment is required to enter this course. We will check that your child can freestyle, backstroke, beginner breaststroke kick, streamline butterfly kick and beginner sculling arms.

In this advanced intermediate class your child will learn:

  • 2 x 12.5 metres of freestyle

  • 2 x 12.5 metres of backstroke

  • 2 x 12.5 metres of breaststroke with correct timing

Practise the following water safety skills: 

  • Survival backstroke

  • Sculling on back head first and feet first

  • Entries—slide entry, step entry, ladder entry, wade entry, compact jump entry, stride entry, fall-in entry.  

  • Do a reach-and-rescue throw with a buddy  

  • Control breathing whilst floating on back for 1 minute  

  • Float and signal for help with and without an aid  

  • Correctly fit a lifejacket, do a step entry into deep water, float in the H.E.L.P. position, then with a couple of buddies or a group form a huddle, return to edge, and get out  

  • Duck dives moving underwater for a slow count of 5.